Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Gift This Morning

I got an email this morning to let us know that our paperwork will be headed to court either today or tomorrow!  That is such an answer to prayer!  God is amazing!

Please pray that we get an adoption friendly/large family friendly judge and pray that we get a very fast court date!

Destiny (if you haven't read the previous post then go do so) said ""Well Praise God. I knew He would give us this miracle"!


  1. Hallelujah! Sending up prayers for you that your court date is ASAP and the judge is the right person to get those babies home to you ASAP. Maybe even someone who is as saddened by the conditions at Keith's orphanage as we are. They have to be out there now that everything is public. Covering you in prayer and can't wait to see your little ones HOME! Oh, and PS, I'm your neighbor in Columbus (Katie Beth on the FB page). So if/when you're up at children's, let us know and we'll do whatever we can to help you out! I have connections as far as car seats for kids with special needs too (because that's what I do, car seats). My e-mail is on my blog (well, my public one - if you shoot me a message sometime I'll give you my private one) so get in touch any time you need/want to!
