Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lots of Progress

Well we have lots of progress to report.  Progress is always God's little pick me ups, so I thought I'd share with you all.  We have so far to go, but it is so amazing to feel God moving and working in it all. :)

First of all, yesterday we got our "apostilled" documents back from the Secretary of State's office.  That made me happy because it didn't take a week even.  I know there are LOTS more documents to have "apostilled" so it is great to know that they do them quickly. 

Those same documents hit the road again today!  They are headed to the specific country (can't say the name) in Eastern Europe.  They should arrive on Monday.  Amazingly enough they had to be sent either UPS or FedEx, so the cost was a little over $117!  I've sure never paid that to mail anything before! 

We also heard today that our homestudy agency (have I mentioned that I <3 Mended Reeds) has our homestudy nearly finished.  They realized that I have to get our wonderful medical provider to write a specific sentence about each of my two daughters that are "adult" age.  I can get that hopefully on Monday.  There are a few more small details that need added tomorrow and we should be ready to roll. 

I have completed 2 of the 5 online classes that I need to complete for the Hague education as well and should finish those up in the next week.  :) 

It is so wonderful to be a part of God's plan.  I am amazed at what He is doing.  Stay tuned!  Lots of news to come I'm sure.  I have no clue how it will all come together.  There are still some big "ransom" costs that need to be paid coming up.  I have no doubt that God is going to provide for all of it.  He is amazing and those are His children over there.  I know how badly I want to get them out of those situations and into my arms.  He's loved them longer than I knew they existed so I'm sure He is going to move mountains!

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